Friday, December 1, 2023

Scope and Sequence

Use the link below to access the 
Scope and Sequence planners for  
Building Blocks of Science
 (BBS) 3rd grade Science kits.  These interactive planners have links to support documents, career connection, vocabulary cards, and phenomena that align with each unit.  In addition, these planners provide overviews for each lesson, from the amount of time needed, to the lessons objectives, and grading resources that have been created to support the collection of data for grading the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPS).  

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

All-Things Science!


 All- Things Science! 

Interactive Slide-Deck 
A comprehensive slide deck has been created for teachers.  This slide deck provides amazing resources around ordering/ purchasing science materials, science integration, grading science, STEM field studies, research on Why Science, and more.  Consider bookmarking this resource for future reference.

Shopping list: this list is intended to guide OPs in making purchases that are requested by teachers. Your building should come up with an internal process and timeline for teachers to request purchases.  More information on science materials, please see pages 11-13 of the Elementary Science update slide deck linked below.  

Elementary Science Update - Link 

Shopping list- Link