Monday, October 25, 2021

Communicating in Scientific Ways

 Looking for great sentences starters for encouraging students to engaging in argument from evidence (SEP7) AND obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information (SEP8)?   This two page document is a great resource for helping students communicate and ways to figure things out.  

Suggestions for use:

1) Print out a set for groups, while students are evaluating peers, encourage them to use the sentence starters in "How we communicate" as questions, notices, and wonders.

2) As students move through a scope or kit, encourage them to use the symbol as a note taking strategy.  Is there something they have a questions about, or do they need to remember to give evidence and do not want to forget?  

3) As the instructor, use the sentence starters as a way to model good questions, or wonders.  "Are you saying _________"  or "That idea makes sense to me because....."  

Do you have a suggestion for ways that this resource can be used, feel free to leave a comment below.  

Communication in Science- Link 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

BBS Curriculum Assessment Points

NTPS SEP Grading Matrix

Grading SEPs Matrix

With the move to the updated 3D version of Building Blocks of Science (BBS), the grading points have changed.  As I continue to update this document, I will add priority, additional and optional grading points.  At this time, all SEPs (even ones that are "not best fits") have been listed.  Watch for more updates to come.